Ayurvedic skincare for your dosha


Founded by entrepreneur Vember Conner, Cāru is a clean beauty brand designed to help us find and keep our psychic balance. Following the ancient, proven Ayurvedic tradition, each of Cāru’s facial serums are based on an individual’s biological blueprint, or Ayurvedic dosha—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha—which makes up one’s unique physical, emotional, and mental characteristics.

The blended scents and ingredients are formulated based on the characteristics of each dosha, also known as a mind-body type, to deliver a rejuvenating visible, youthful glow and a balanced mental state—all without a single drop of synthetic chemicals. By aligning therapeutic skincare with the psyche, Cāru products nourish inner wisdom first, so that individuals can radiate their true beauty outward from within. 

I helped Vember with her initial identity design, packaging and website work. As the brand expands, we’ll continue to work together to build the best experience for her customers.